Monday, February 8, 2010

A world of antiquarian books in Japan

Kanda-Jinbocho, Tokyo

some antiquarian books at Ginnosuzu Gallery, Kamakura

Welcome to a world of antiquarian books

Another cultural heritage in Japan

In China, it is said that they destroyed many books and art works from the previous dynasty every time they changed dynasties. In Japan, many antiquarian books have survived, providing Japan with a rich cultural heritage.

Kanda-Jinbocho is situated in the center of Tokyo with more than 180 antiquarian bookstores and 10,000,000 books.

In the Meiji Period, many universities were established in the Kanda area. The demand for books rose dramatically. Many publishers, printers, binders, agents, and bookstores also came to start their business, helping to create the world famous book town, Jinbocho.

Today the streets of Jinbocho are still fascinating and full of book lovers.

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